1A) In advance - good to know
Detailed market studies and country reports
Green Life to provide insight reports about the historic, economic, and cultural development of the respective countries or country clusters since the end of the Cold War to allow in-depth understanding of all relevant technological, financial, cultural, and political situation. Another focus lies on the maturity, professionalism, and allocation of the entrepreneurial structure for a sound understanding of the business environment you might be about to invest in.
Export markets in Europe may be very volatile and appear inaccessibly by means of home market standards. Also, maturity of markets and spendable income as well as labor cost differ significantly throughout Europe. Other principal issues are legislation and implied import barriers in some countries and selected business sectors.
There are 47 independent countries in Europe.
There are different customs, languages, and legislation as well as regulations.
There are special clusters of groups of European countries with overlapping commonalities.
To name a few:
A: The countries of the European Union (EU) and the common market (27 countries)
B: Schengen countries (27 countries, not identical with EU countries)
C: Scandinavian Countries: (5 countries and three incorporated states)
D: Baltic Countries: (3 countries)
E: Balkan countries (11 countries)
F: Switzerland and Liechtenstein
G: New countries (18 countries)
Provision of statistical data and relevant market figures
Green Life provides macro-economic evaluations and insights to better understand the differences of the respective European countries when it comes to demography or distribution of spendable income. The better you understand the use of meaningful and available data and facts for specific countries and/or clusters of countries (see above) the more you feel comfortable “to give it a go”. Reports are commented and explained using pan-European, national and regional data sources to facilitate or to justify market entry scenarios and decisions.