

Responsible for content according to § 5 TMG and § 55 Abs. 2 RStV:



Andreas Nitschke

ANIcon consulting services

Spielsgasse 22b

60439 Frankfurt/M.

GREEN LIFE Business Development Services is a brand of ANIcon consulting services





Phone: +49 (0) 69 – 941 493 61

Mobile: +49 (0) 176 – 56 35 28 12

E-mail: info -(at)- greenlife -(minus)- europe -(dot)- de (spam protection, please see #1)


( #1 to contact us by e-mail please leave out the spaces and replace -(at)- with @, -(minus)- with – and -(dot)- with .)




VAT ID: DE267817321


Bank account details:

DKB Deutsche Kreditbank Aktiengesellschaft

IBAN: DE86 1203 0000 1077 0471 06



Account holder Andreas Nitschke



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This website contains links to third-party websites over whose content we have no influence. Despite careful checking of the content, we accept no liability for the content of external links. We do not continuously and completely check the content of third-party websites. The operators of the linked pages are solely responsible for their content.



All information on product data, specifications, manuals, data sheets and drawings correspond to the current status on the specified date of creation. For the purpose of technical progress and the optimisation of our products, details of our products and their accessories may be changed at any time and without prior notice.


Despite the utmost care taken in compiling the contents of this website, we cannot rule out printing errors, typographical errors or transmission errors. We cannot accept any liability for these errors.






The operators of this website endeavour to respect the copyrights of others at all times or to make use of self-created and licence-free works. The content and works created by the site operators on these pages are subject to German copyright law. Third-party contributions are labelled as such. Duplication, processing, distribution and any kind of utilisation outside the limits of copyright law require the written consent of the respective author or creator.



Brand names:


All brand names and brand designations used or mentioned are the property of the respective brand owners. Any mention of trademarks is made in good faith and without the intention of deriving a claim from this.





Should one or more of these provisions be invalid, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions. The invalid provision shall be replaced by the provision that comes closest to the meaning of the original provision.


Inhaltlich Verantwortlicher gemäß § 5 TMG sowie  § 55 Abs. 2 RStV:

Andreas Nitschke

ANIcon consulting services

Spielsgasse 22b

60439 Frankfurt/M.

GREEN LIFE Business Development Services ist eine Marke von ANIcon consulting services


Telefon:  +49 (0) 69 – 941 493 61

Mobil:     +49 (0) 176 – 56 35 28 12

E-Mail:    info -(at)- greenlife -(minus)- europe -(Punkt)- de (Spamschutz, bitte s. #1)


( #1 zur Kontaktaufnahme per E-Mail lassen Sie bitte die Leerzeichen aus und ersetzen Sie -(at)- durch @, -(minus)- durch – und -(Punkt)- durch .)



Umsatzsteuer-ID: DE267817321




DKB Deutsche Kreditbank Aktiengesellschaft

IBAN: DE86 1203 0000 1077 0471 06


Kontoinhaber Andreas Nitschke


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An Stelle der unwirksamen Regelung tritt die Regelung, die dem Sinn der ursprünglichen Regelung am nächsten kommt.